Taxation related to investing in private capital funds: impact of investing through HF, RCF, RCC or ELTIF
Taxation is one of the most important aspects to consider when investing. Not all products have the same impact on our tax return, and private capital has its own particularities depending on the vehicle through which you invest.
In this guide we summarise how investing in private capital through HF, RCF, RCC or ELTIFs affect your tax return, whether you are an individual or a legal entity, a tax resident or non tax resident in Spain.
Log in or register (free of charge) and download the complete guide to understand the impact of tax on your investment in private capital.
Si quieres saber más sobre este tema, puedes ver la masterclass de Aprende y Crece "Fiscalidad en la inversión en capital privado: persona física".
Disclaimer: this guide is currently only available in spanish.
This content is merely indicative. This content is merely financial training offered to you by Crescenta, without the intention of giving any type of personalised investment recommendation.
It is neither any type of advertising of financial instruments nor a recommendation or purchase offer.
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When you click on any underlined term, you can see a definition and example of each concept
When you click on any underlined term, you can see a definition and example of each concept
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