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Crescenta is a Collective Investment Undertakings Management Company supervised by the CNMV (National Securities Market Commission).

According to the CNMV, a CIU management company is a public limited company whose corporate purpose is to manage and administer funds and investment companies. Its activities include defining and executing the investment policy.

How it operates

In order to build this type of company, a series of requirements must be met, which will be verified and approved by the CNMV. This ensures that investors are offered a safe service with the highest quality.

Why is Crescenta a Collective Investment Undertakings Management Company? A Collective Investment Undertakings Management Company is one of the most comprehensive types of companies that a financial institution can establish itself as, which provides us the scalability required to approach different lines of business. We can provide three services:

  • Management
  • Trading
  • Advice


With regard to management, due to being a CIU management company, we are able to build portfolios with the help of top-tier experts, with the aim of offering you the best investment opportunities in private markets.

Portfolio management

According to the CNMV, portfolio management is the investment service through which an entity, in a discretionary and individualised manner, adopts all decisions relating to the composition and administration of a securities portfolio, in accordance with the express instructions of the holder thereof. Discretionality involves that the management company may adopt the decisions it deems most appropriate at any time within the scope of the received instructions; therefore, when the investors sign a portfolio management contract, they are delegating the adoption of investment decisions.

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