Within private market investment, we identify different types of strategies that primarily differ in the type of companies in which you invest. Private Equity is one of the main strategies and invests in private companies, such as family-owned or industrial businesses, to boost their growth and financial performance.
Throughout this guide prepared by Crescenta, we thoroughly explore everything about Private Equity investment: its advantages, risks, main strategies, and how the funds work.
Disclaimer: currently this guide is only available in spanish.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is financial education content provided by Crescenta, with no intention of issuing any type of personalized investment recommendation.
It is not, in any case, an advertisement for any financial instrument, nor a recommendation or offer to buy.
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When you click on any underlined term, you can see a definition and example of each concept
When you click on any underlined term, you can see a definition and example of each concept
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