The relevant investment
for your future

Invest in the best Private Equity funds,
until now exclusive

We revolutionize access
to private markets with:


Invest in the most premium funds in the market (EQT, Cinven, Insight, GSquared…) from 10,000 euros* of investment commitment to be gradually disbursed during the first 5 years


We are speacialists in Private Equity investments. We select funds with complete independence. In addition, our team coinvert in the funds we commercialise


An exhaustive selection allows us to offer returns over 15%** based on a historical simulation of the underlying funds

* You will be able to invest a minimum of 10,000 euros if this amount does not represent more than 10% of your assets, and as long as you do so under our financial advisory service, if you are a retail investor **Target based on the historical net return obtained by the selected underlying funds, under a conservative scenario and considering the consistency of the expected future results. More information on risks and conditions here

Business figures

EUR AUMs Crescenta
EUR AUMs Crescenta Alpha

Active funds

Early birds
Minimum investment 10.000€
Net IRR 15%*
Target net MOIC x2
Crescenta Private Equity Real Assets Top Perfomers I, FCR
Minimum investment 10.000€
Net IRR 12%*
Target net MOIC x1,5
Crescenta Private Equity Buyouts Top Performers I, FCR
Closing date: Completed
Number of investors 502
Fund size 30M €
commercialization period 8 months
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This fund is closed. If you're interested in this investment strategy, get in contact with our team to find out when we will open a similar investment opportunity. Don't miss out.

Crescenta Private Equity Growth Top Performers I, FCR
Closing date: Completed
Number of investors 336
Fund size 25M €
commercialization period 5 months
Did you miss it?

This fund is closed. If you're interested in this investment strategy, get in contact with our team to find out when we will open a similar investment opportunity. Don't miss out.

*Target based on the historical net performance of the selected underlying funds, under a conservative scenario and considering the consistency of expected future results. More information about risks and conditions here

Why invest in
Private Capital funds?


1. The most profitable diversification for your portfolio

In recent years, top-tier private capital funds have consistently outperformed the main equity index

Therefore, private capital has become an essential asset in the portfolios of investors seeking greater returns and peace of mind in the long term

Source: Bain & Company, 2022, Global Private Equity Report 2022
Note: data for the USA calculated in US dollars; Cambridge Associates Modified Public Market Equivalent (mPME) seeks to replicate private investment performance under public market conditions
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Private capital is not an index in which you can; therefore, it is purely an indicative comparison
It makes reference to the top quartile of PE funds. The average of alternative funds is the average of all US PE Buyout funds. The chart shows the net IRR grouped in US Private Equity Buyout funds since 2000
Your investment in private capital could result in the total or partial loss of your capital. More information about risks and conditions here

Source: Bain & Company, 2022, Global Private Equity Report 2022
Note: data for the USA calculated in US dollars; Cambridge Associates Modified Public Market Equivalent (mPME) seeks to ...


2. Why invest in Private Capital funds?

Investing in alternative investment funds improves the risk-return ratio

If you include private capital in a basic equity and fixed-income portfolio, you can obtain higher returns while reducing volatility

This is a strategy recommended by large international private banks

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, 2022, Know your Alternatives
Note: alternative assets include Hedge Funds, Real Estate and Private Equity, each with the same weighting. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. The portfolios are rebalanced on an annual basis. These data are based on the balancing at May 2022
Your investment in private capital could result in the total or partial loss of your capital.  More information about risks and conditions here

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, 2022, Know your Alternatives
Note: alternative assets include Hedge Funds, Real ...

¿Why Crescenta?


From €10,000 to tens of millions of euros

If you are a retail investor and invest less than €100,000, our advisory service will help you build a fund portfolio that best suits your profile. If you wish to invest a larger amount and want to receive the advisory service, request it in the registration form

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Invest in top-tier funds

Invest in top tier Private Equity, Venture Capital and infrastructure funds and funds of funds, among others, through our managed and curated product

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Learn & Grow

Explore the world of private capital

In Learn and Grow, our educational portal, you will find interviews, guides and articles, among other material, to delve into the world of investment in private markets and to learn how to achieve financial independence

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Safety & Technology

Invest 100% digitally and securely

Thanks to our proprietary software, we automate processes and digitalise a space that was up until now manual, creating a benchmark in the industry

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Accesses private equity funds

*Mandatory for any retail investor with financial assets of less than 500,000 euros. If you are a qualified investor, you will be able to invest directly without going through advice. More information on risks and conditions here

Eduardo Navarro
Eduardo Navarro
Chairman of Crescenta

"With Crescenta, the time has come where investing in private capital is no longer a luxury and retail investors have access to the strategy commonly used by large investors seeking returns in the long term"

Sebastián Albella
Sebastián Albella
Partner at Linklaters and former president of the CNMV

"In recent years, the performance of private capital has been unstoppable, and it has become increasingly part of more investment portfolios. This option, with due advice, must also be within the reach of retail investors"

Miguel Arias
Miguel Arias
Partner in K Fund

"By investing in private capital, you become less dependent on your savings in terms of your day-to-day and consider more long-term returns"

Yago Arbeloa
Yago Arbeloa
Chairman of MIO Group / AIEI

"I have been investing in Private Equity for a long time, but being able to do it in the best funds, in a diversified way, with low fees and from 10.000€ was unimaginable.

What used to be for high net worth individuals is now for everyone"

François Derbaix
François Derbaix
Cofounder and CoCEO of Indexa Capital

"By offering new or better investment services, customers are able to diversify more, which means less risk, lower costs, and thus higher returns"

Glosario Glosario

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